Get Help & Support

如果你有医疗或安全紧急情况,或举报刑事案件, contact Campus Safety (on campus) or 911 (off campus).


Ready to reach out?
Make sure you understand the process for reporting sex discrimination

Resources for Getting Help

Title IX - Indicator of Help Resource

Health and Wellness Center

学生可以联系健康中心接受医疗护理, speak to a counselor, and/or discuss other options. College medical and counseling practitioners, unless they believe there is a health or safety emergency, either for the reporter or a third party, 可以保密联系,未经允许不举报.

610-526-7778 (after hours)

Confidential Resource

Contact the Well

Title IX - Resource Indicator

Bryn Mawr Hospital

Go to Bryn Mawr Hospital to receive a medical examination, which is admissible in court as evidence of an assault.

130 South Bryn Mawr Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

Confidential Resource

Contact the Hospital

Title IX - Resource Indicator

Victim Services Center of Montgomery County (VSC)



888-521-0983 (24 hour confidential hotline)

Confidential Resource


Title IX - Resource Indicator

Laurel House Domestic Violence Center



800-642-3150 (24 hour confidential hotline)

Or Text “HOPE” to 85511


Confidential Resource


Title IX - Resource Indicator

College Chaplain


Rabbi Nora Woods

Confidential Resource

Contact the Chaplain

Title IX - Resource Indicator

Campus Safety

打电话给校园安全中心安排交通到健康中心或布林莫尔医院, and/or to report that a sexual assault has taken place.

610-526-7911 or 7911 (on campus)
(911 off campus)

Required to Report

Get Immediate Help

Title IX - Resource Indicator

Lower Merion Township Police

请致电下梅里恩镇警察局(610-642-4200)安排前往布林莫尔医院的交通工具, 报告性侵犯或请求紧急医疗援助.



Call the Police

Resources for Reporting Sex Discrimination

Title IX - Resource Indicator

Bi-Co Title IX Coordinator


Kimberly Taylor

Required to Report

Email the Coordinator

Title IX - Resource Indicator

Equal Opportunity Officer

Cheryl Horsey, Bryn Mawr's Chief Enrollment Officer, also serves as the Equal Opportunity Officer for the College. 她可以在需要的时候提供帮助,并在报告过程中提供帮助.

Cheryl Horsey

Required to Report

Contact the EOO

Title IX - Resource Indicator

Other Campus Resources

所有大学员工都必须向第九条协调员报告事件,除非 confidential resources (medical practitioners, counselors, and the chaplain).

Specifically, Deans, Hall Advisors, & Athletic Coaches are trained to support you through this process.

Dean of the Undergraduate College

Dean of Graduate Studies

Required to Report

Faculty & Staff Directory

Title IX - Resource Indicator

The President's Office

总统办公室可以为那些想要提交报告的人提供服务, 但是使用本页列出的任何其他资源都会感到不舒服.

Taylor Hall, Second Floor
Phone: 610-526-5156

Email the President's Office

Sexual Assault Resources

我们强烈建议你在被袭击后接受医疗护理. Because sexual assault can be physically and emotionally traumatic, you may not know whether or not you have been injured. 健康中心或医院的医务人员可以回答你关于健康方面的问题. 建议进行后续检查,以再次检查是否怀孕和性传播疾病。, 并确保在袭击中没有其他人受伤.

校园健康和保健中心可以为你在遭受袭击后的医疗护理提供建议. An examination done at the Health and Wellness Center is not 这和强奸证据一样,在法庭上不能作为发生性侵的证据. If you think you may wish to press charges at any time, 健康中心的工作人员会建议你去布林茅尔医院, where medical evidence can be preserved for the police.

健康和保健中心可以检查内伤, 检查是否怀孕和性传播疾病,并找一个可以交谈的人. 卫生保健中心还可以提供艾滋病毒的信息和检测(在卫生保健中心进行艾滋病毒检测是保密的). 健康和保健中心可以提供药物来帮助预防性病. In addition, 如果你在袭击发生后的72小时内去健康中心,可以使用紧急避孕措施来防止怀孕. The Health and Wellness Center will keep all information confidential; the assault will not be reported to the police, Campus Safety, parents or other College personnel without your permission. 如果确定您或学院社区的其他成员处于危险之中, 必要的信息将发布给适当的管理员,并将尽一切努力保护您的身份. 健康中心可以帮助你找到你需要的任何医疗或情感支持, including counseling on- or off-campus.

布林莫尔医院能够提供符合法律证据标准的医疗服务——“强奸工具包”检查. 强奸包检查保留了可在法庭上使用的医学证据. Having a rape kit done does not require you to press charges. 它只是收集证据,如果你想起诉的话. It is recommended that you do not shower, bathe, douche or change clothes if you want to preserve evidence. 你可能需要带一套换洗的衣服去医院,以防警察需要你的衣服. Bryn Mawr Hospital will test for pregnancy and STDs, offer medication to prevent STDs, and prescribe emergency contraception. 医院必须通知警方可能发生了性侵犯.

If you are sexually assaulted, 作为犯罪受害者,您有基本的权利和考虑(包括但不限于):

  • 是否有任何性侵犯的指控被认真对待,并且没有任何暗示幸存者应对性侵犯负责.
  • Be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of gender, gender identity, race, age, income level, physical abilities, cognitive abilities, or sexual, medical and mental health history.
  • Have timely access to emergency and crisis counseling services.
  • Be accompanied by an advocate while receiving victim services.
  • Be informed of legal rights and available resources.
  • Be informed of safety planning and protection services.
  • 了解适当的后续治疗、医学检测和咨询.
  • 如果有要求,并且这些改变是合理可行的,则应通知其选择和帮助其改变学术和/或生活状况.
  • 书院有否就有关指控进行迅速及彻底的调查, 在第九条规定的范围内尽可能保护幸存者的隐私.
  • 能够在校园听证会上作证,而不是与被告同在一个房间.
  • 在校园纪律处分过程中是否有辅助人员在场.
  • 被告知性侵犯纪律处分程序的结果.